Thanks Elija for putting together all of these resources. I have bought and read the latest version of D3.js In Action and I really enjoyed it as well as learned a lot!
I have a quick question regarding the pattern of allowing React to control the DOM when using something a little more complicated like an axis or anything you would use a .call() extension for when letting D3 take control.
Essentially I’m trying to convert something like this:
.attr(“id”, “xAxisG”)
Into something more along the lines of:
const xAxisPath = xAxis(<g id=”xAxisG” ></g>)
But am getting syntax errors in every permutation I try. (I’m not a frontend developer so sorry if the solution is very straight forward)
I see you do a similar pattern for rects and area charts, which I have been able to recreate just fine, but can’t find anywhere that you include one of these components to draw that requires the .call() functionality.